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Politaoke Speech Request
We're looking for speeches from contemporary politicians across the world. Please submit as many speeches as you like. We prefer to receive complete speeches and not excerpts. In order to remain non partisan we attempt to pair up opposing ideological speeches within our programming. Speeches that can be proofed by native speakers and paired up with an opposition speech will added immediately to our programming! Email us at if you want to help!
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* Indicates required question
Name of Politician *
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Political Party/ Affliation *
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Language of Speech *
Your answer
Country *
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Media Source *
Add link to a complete video or audio source of the speech - please do not submit speech excerpts.
Your answer
Date of the Speech
Transcript Source
Please add link to a transcript of the speech
Your answer
Your Name
Please let us know who you are!
Your answer
Email contact
If you are able to help in trancribing this speech, we'd love to contact you!
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